10 Best Books To Read On Startups

The Lean Startup

"The Lean Startup"  by Eric Ries is termed as one of the essential reads for budding entrepreneurs. Highlights principles like validated learning, innovative accounting.

Zero To One

"Zero to one"  by Peter Thiel with Blake Masters, teaches entrepreneurs to overcome the slowdown & stagnation, & create something impactful and revolutionary ideas and concepts.

The Startup Checklist

Another one on the list is "The Startup Checklist"  by David S. Rose, highlights the importance of step-by-step instructions for launching a successful startup. 

High Growth Handbook

"High Growth Handbook"  by Elad Gil, focusses and analyzes the successful growth Twitter, Google, Airbnb, etc. 

Lost And Founder

"Lost And Founder" by Rand Fishkin, termed as one of the best books for beginners. It highlights the hurdles & tribulations occurs whole finding a startup. 

The Mom Test

"The Mom Test" by Rob Fitzpatrick, tells how to ask questions right, how to construct questions right,  and how to make an authentic and true connect with the customers. 

Lean Analytics

"Lean Analytics" by Alistair Croll & Benjamin Yoskovitz, is a brilliant recommended guide on using data for making informed startup decisions. 


"Traction" by Gabriel Weinberg & Justin Mares,. Th e book explains topics like how to set traction goals, measure momentum, maximize media exposure, etc. 

Founders At Work

"Founders At Work" by Jessica Livingston. The book is presented in a form of conversation between thought leaders. A great helpful source for startups struggling to survive, innovate,, and launch.  

The Founder's Dilemmas

"The Founder's Dilemma" by Noam Wasserman, explores and highlights the tough decisions and problems founders face while launching a startup. Also highlights how to avoid these common mistakes.