In the list of longest tunnels in India, Pir Panjal Railway Tunnel tops the list. It is 11,215 meters in length (or 11.22 Km). Located in Jammu & Kashmir, is also called T-80 tunnel.
The longest road tunnel in India, also known as Chenani-Nashi or the Patnitop tunnel. It is 9280 meters in length (or 9.28 Km). It is located in Chenani, Jammu & Kashmir.
Third one is Trivandrum Port tunnel, which is 9020 meters in length (or 9.02 Km). Located in Balaramapuram Station, Kanyakumari on the Thiruvananthapuram Railway Line, Kerala.
Also referred to as Rohtang Tunnel, named after the former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Bajpayee. The tunnel is 8800 meters in length (or 8.80 Km). Located beneath the Rohtang Pass, Himachal Pradesh.
Next one in the list is Banihal Qazigund Road Tunnel, which is 8500 meters in length, and located in Pir Panjal range of Jammu & Kashmir.
The tunnel is located in Katra-Banihal section of Jammu-Barmulla railway line, Jammu & Kashmir. It is 8000 meters in length (or 8.00 Km).
The railway tunnel is located in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. It is 6642 meters is length (or 6.64 Km). This is first ever electrified railway tunnel in India.