7 Safest Countries In The World To Visit - 2024

1. ICELAND Iceland has a Global Peace Index (GPI) of 1.124, and has been the safest country from 14 years.

2. DENMARK  Denmark has a GPI  of 1.310, and is also referred to as one of the happiest places to live and visit. 

3. IRELAND  Ireland has a GPI of 1.312, and has jumped from 11th position to 3rd position in the GPI list. 

4. NEW ZEALAND It has a GPI of 1.313, and has a low crime rate, efficient law enforcement and a effective police system. 

5. AUSTRIA The country has a GPI of 1.316, and offers an efficient public services with a stable political environment.

6. SINGAPORE Singapore has a GPI of 1.332, and has high urban efficiency and safety. With that offers a hassle-free travel experience.

7. PORTUGAL Portugal has a GPI of 1.333, and has got up from 18th spot in 2014 to 7th spot in the current GPI list.