Top 6 Battery Manufacturing Companies in India

With a market cap of Rs.15,661 crore, Exide Industry Limited is the largest battery manufacturing company in India. Its net worth is INR 15,661 crores.

Exide Industry Limited

Amara Raja Batteries Limited

Amara Raja Batteries Limited (ARBL or Amaron) is a leading manufacturer of lead-acid batteries in the storage battery industry of the nation. Its enormous market capital is worth INR 9,742 crore.

HBL Power Systems Limited

HBL Power Systems is one of the leading designers, developers, and manufacturers of specialized batteries and DC power systems in India. Its market capitalization is INR 2,639 crore.

Eveready Industries India Limited

Eveready Industries India Ltd uses advanced and superior technologies to make batteries that excel in quality and affordability. The market cap of this company is INR 2,478 crore. 

High Energy Batteries (India) Limited

With a market cap of 282.32 crore, High Energy Batteries (India) Limited is famous for producing batteries for the defense sector. It specializes in manufacturing batteries for naval expeditions and aero-defense systems.

Indo National Limited

Established in 1972, Indo National Limited has become famous in India with the nickname “Nippo.” It has a pan-India reach with a market capitalization of INR 278.78 crore.