Bosch Ltd. The company has a market cap of Rs.85,112.75 crore and was established in 1922.
Madras Rubber Factory (MRF) Ltd. MRF has a market cap of Rs.54,509 crore, and was established in 1946.
UNO Minda Ltd. Formerly known as Minda Industries Ltd, has a market cap of Rs.41,409.44 crore. It was established in 1992.
Apollo Tyres The company has a market cap of Rs.30,900.84 crore, and was established in 1972.
ZF Commercial Vehicle Control Systems India Ltd. It has a market cap of Rs.26,303.01 crore, and was established in 2004.
Amara Raja Energy & Mobility Ltd. The company has a market cap of Rs.20,742.26 crore, and was established in 1985.