The first on the list is HCL Technologies company which has a market cap of Rs.4,35,815 crores. Also has a 5 year CAGR % of 27.21%.
Next one in the list is Vedanta Ltd. which has a market cap of Rs.1,01,702 crores. It has a 5 year CAGR % of 6.29%. n
The third one in the list is Tata Elxsi, which has a market cap of Rs.47,336 crores. It has a 5 year CAGR % of 52.7%.
Dixon Technologies Ltd. which is on the fourth spot in the list, has a market cap of Rs.37,440 crores. Along with that it has a 5 year CAGR % of 67.1%.
The company on the fifth spot in the list is MosChip Technologies Ltd. It has a market cap of Rs.1,851 crores. Along with that it has a 5 year CAGR % of 36.3%.
MIC Electronics Ltd. company acquired the sixth position in the list. It has a market cap of Rs.901.5 crores.