Nokia Nokia, was initially started as an Finish Paper mill in 1865 on the Nokianvirta river. Later moved to electronic and other products categories in late 1800s. Eventually created their first mobile phone in 1992.
Nintendo Next one is Nintendo, which started as the company producing products like, instant rice, and businesses like taxi company, hotel chain, vacuum cleaners, etc. It was in 1996, that Nintendo started producing electronic games and consoles.
Wrigley Wrigley, started by Mr. Wrigley Jr. in 1890s, who moved to Chicago to work as a soap and baking powder salesman and used to offer free chewing gums with it. The chewing become so much famous that later on he went to manufacturer his own chewing gum brands in 1891, and eventually it became a success.
Starbucks Starbucks, initially started off as selling espresso makers and coffee beans in 1971. Later on in 1984, Starbucks started selling coffee in European style coffeehouse, and has transformed Starbucks into an worldwide sensation.
Twitter The transformation of Odeo into Twitter. Odeo which initially started as a podcast network faced tough competition from iTunes. Later on, it was transformed into Twitter, a status updating and short posts broadcasts platform in 2005.
Instagram Instagram, which initially started as Burbn app, check-in app which offers game elements like Mafia Wars download, photo element etc. Soon they transformed it to an app with updated and innovative features, called Instagram in 2010.