5 Best Audio Book Apps To Listen & Learn Daily

Audible The app is available for both android and iOS. It has over 100M+ downloads on playstore, and offers audiobooks across variety of categories like sci-fi, entertainment, self care, etc. 

Apple Books  A user friendly app made for iOS users. This app does not require any subscription, you can simply buy books individually to avoid subscriptions. It offers audiobooks across various genres. 

Spotify  The app has over 1 billion+ downloads on playstore and offers audiobooks across genres like sci-fi, romance, history, etc. Premium users can enjoy 15 hours of audiobooks per month. 

Audiobooks.com The users can subscribe to its monthly plan and can enjoy its member exclusive deals. It has around 5M+ downloads on playstore and is suitable for both iOS & android. It offers audiobooks across various categories. 

Librivox App It is free audiobook app for both android and iOS. It has around 10K+ downloads on playstore. The app offers a wide range of public domain audiobooks, that too in more than 100 languages.