Havells India The company has a market cap of Rs.1,03,089 crore. It was established in 1958.
Polycab India It has a market cap of Rs.84,621.9 crore. The company was established in 1996.
Dixon Technologies Ltd. The company has a market cap of Rs.50,670.09 crore, and was established in 1993.
Voltas The company has a market cap of Rs.48,527.56 crore. The company was established in 1954.
Blue Star The company has a market cap of Rs.28,384.67 crore, and was established in 1943.
Crompton Greaves Consumer Electronics The company has a market cap of Rs.20,206.42 crore. It was established in 1937.
Whirlpool India The company has a market cap of Rs.18,739.6 crore, and was established in 1960.