ICICI Prudential Asset Management It has a market cap of Rs.81,83.6 crore. It also offers alternative investment funds and structured products.
India Nivesh Fund It has a market cap of Rs.40.77 crore. It uses fundamental as well as quantitative analysis to identify investment opportunities.
Quantum Magnum Limited The company has market value of around $183K. It aspires to bring technology based solutions in the asset management industries.
Motilal Oswal's offshore hedge fund The company launched its fund through India Zen Fund initiative.. It will India cap kid securities and will follow bottom up approach for stock selection.
Growpital The company with its flagship product QM.FIN framework caters to hedge funds, wealth managers, traders, etc.
India Equity Partners (IEP) It focuses on mid-market investments typically in sectors like financial services, healthcare, and infrastructure.
Ask Group It manages a wide range of investment products, and plans to expand its footprints in alternative investments.
WestBridge Capitals Limited It is a prominent venture capital firm in India. It focuses on investing across various sectors, considering the long term view.