Amul Set to Enter European Market After US Success

Amul Set to Enter European Market

Soon there will be a game-changing event for our Indian dairy Industry! How? Because Amul is set to enter European market after US success. Now, you might wonder, why is this such a big deal?

Amul Set to Enter European Market

Well, Amul is not just any brand—it’s a symbol of India’s dairy revolution (white revolution), and this expansion marks yet another milestone in its journey. 

But before we go deeper into this, let’s talk about how this all began and why Amul is now set to take Europe by storm!

Amul’s Success Story in the US

Amul’s entry into the US market was nothing short of a victory lap. They recently launched their milk products in America, and according to Jayen Mehta, the Managing Director of Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (GCMMF)—the parent company of Amul—the launch has been “highly successful.” 

It’s not easy to win over the American market, but Amul’s focus on offering protein-rich, organic, and chemical-free dairy products won them the trust of consumers. They’ve nailed it, proving once again why they are one of the strongest global food and dairy brands.

Why Amul is entering Europe now?

You might wonder, why is Amul entering the European market now. The timing couldn’t be better. Europe is one of the biggest consumers of dairy products, and Amul’s success in the US has shown that the brand is ready for global expansion. 

What sets Amul apart from other dairy brands is its focus on quality. By offering protein-rich, organic, and chemical-free products, they ensure that consumers trust what they’re putting on their tables. 

Plus, Amul is constantly expanding its infrastructure to meet the growing demand for healthier and cleaner food options.

Another key reason behind this European move is the company’s commitment to staying relevant in an ever-changing market. As people become more health-conscious, the demand for high-quality, trustworthy dairy products is rising, and Amul is more than ready to meet that demand.

Why Amul is different?

How amul created a successful empire (Amul Case Study)

You might be wondering, what makes Amul so special? Why is it able to compete with established global giants? Well, for one, Amul’s roots are deeply embedded in India’s rural economy. Jayen Mehta, during his speech at the 11th Dr. Verghese Kurien Memorial Oration, emphasized that dairy isn’t just a business for Amul; it’s a lifeline for rural India. 

Every single day, Amul collects a whopping 31 million liters of milk. That’s right—31 million liters! 

With 107 dairy plants across the country and over 50 different products, Amul serves not just India but the world.

What’s more, Amul is owned by 3.6 million farmers. Yes, you read that right—millions of farmers! This cooperative model, pioneered by Dr. Verghese Kurien, is one of the key reasons behind Amul’s incredible success. 

In fact, Mehta proudly said, “If India could offer a gift to the world, it would be the cooperative working system—a gift Dr. Kurien gave us.”

Note: We have already covered the topic “Amul Case Study- How Amul Started & Built its Successful Empire?” in detail. Please go through it for more details.

The Legacy of Dr. Verghese Kurien

Amul's Marketing History

Now, we can’t talk about Amul without mentioning Dr. Verghese Kurien, often referred to as the “Milkman of India.” He was the visionary who made India the largest milk producer in the world. Dr. Kurien didn’t just create a brand; he built an ecosystem that supports millions of farmers across the country. 

His daughter, Nirmala Kurien, highlighted this during the same event, stating that more than half a century ago, her father dreamt of a day when India, once a milk-deficient nation, would become self-sufficient. And today, India stands tall as the world’s largest milk producer. 

Amul’s Business Numbers

Let’s talk numbers for a moment because they are seriously impressive. Amul’s daily milk collection stands at 31 million liters, and they have 107 dairy plants spread across India. The company produces over 50 different dairy products, catering to diverse tastes and needs.

But wait, it gets better! 

Amul sells 22 billion packs annually. Yes, that’s a massive number. Their turnover is a staggering Rs.80,000 crore, making them the strongest dairy and food brand globally.

And here’s the best part—Amul is owned by the very farmers who produce the milk. This cooperative model has been a game-changer not just for the brand but for millions of rural families who depend on dairy farming for their livelihood.

Significance of Amul’s Cooperative Model

Amul Marketing Strategy

Amul’s entry into the European market isn’t just about selling more milk; it’s about showcasing India’s unique cooperative model to the world. This system, as mentioned earlier, is a gift from Dr. Kurien. Through this model, farmers don’t just supply milk; they own the brand. This creates a sense of ownership, responsibility, and pride, which in turn drives quality and innovation. 

It is said that every time you buy an Amul product, you’re supporting millions of farmers in India. This cooperative model has sparked a revolution in rural India, giving farmers better incomes and a secure livelihood. 

As Amul enters Europe, they’re not just exporting milk; they’re exporting this powerful cooperative philosophy. 

What’s Next for Amul?

So, what does the future hold for Amul? Well, if their past success is any indication, the sky’s the limit. Amul’s Managing Director, Jayen Mehta, pointed out that India is set to produce one-third of the world’s total milk in the coming years. 

That’s an astounding figure! 

And as Amul continues to grow, we can expect them to keep expanding globally, spreading their cooperative model and quality products to even more countries.

Europe is just the next chapter in Amul’s incredible story, and if their success in the US is anything to go by, they’re bound to win the hearts of European consumers too. 

After all, Amul is not just a brand; it’s a movement—a movement that started with one man’s dream and now empowers millions.

Final Words on Amul Set to Enter European Market

Amul’s entry into the European market marks a major milestone for the brand and for India’s dairy industry. With its roots in a cooperative model that supports millions of farmers, Amul has grown into a global powerhouse. After a successful launch in the US, Amul is all set to bring its quality products to Europe. 

And yes…this is just the beginning!

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Published By: Supti Nandi
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