Oziva Revenue & Losses Both Drop By Rs 20 Cr in FY23

OZiva Revenue

The concept of health consciousness has peaked in India ever since the pandemic. Reason? You need to have a strong immune system in order to fight ever-evolving germs like viruses and bacteria. When it comes to health and fitness, you need to consider various parameters apart from your immunity. Such as skin, hair, muscle mass, etc. These scenarios offered a golden opportunity for firms associated with nutrition products. And one such firm is Oziva.

OZiva Revenue

Launched in 2010, OZiva, a home-grown plant-based nutrition company was steadily growing in India. Seeing its success, HUL (Hindustan Unilever Limited) acquired OZiva through a majority stake in 2022. 

But again in 2023, the company is making headlines. Why? Due to OZiva revenue! Its revenue as well as losses dropped by Rs.20 crore in FY23. And this is mixed news for the company representing both positive and negative aspects.

In this article, we will delve into the financials of this nutrition company.

Keep reading!

OZiva Revenue

If you compare OZiva revenue in the last two fiscal years, you will see a striking difference between them. How? Last year (FY22) it earned Rs.123.5 crore and this year (FY23) it earned Ra.99.32 crore. This was a massive drop worth Rs.20 crore (approx). 

Let’s look at its financials for the last three fiscal years-

YearAmount of Revenue Earned
FY21Rs.72 crore
FY22Rs.123.5 crore
FY23Rs.99.32 crore
OZiva Revenue

In FY22 and FY21, its revenue grew at the rate of 71.5% and 24.3% respectively. However, this year (FY23), its revenue from operations contracted at the rate of 19.6%. Also, it earned a non-operating income of Rs.100 crore in FY23.

OZiva Expenses

Do you know, its expenses also dropped by 23.7% in FY23? In FY22, its expenses reached a sky-high value of Rs.190 crore. But in FY23, it dropped to Rs.145 crore.

Let’s go through the expenses breakdown of OZiva-

Advertising and PromotionRs.38.3 croreRs.100 crore
Cost of Material ConsumedRs.47.5 croreRs.45.4 crore
Employee BenefitsRs.26.5 croreRs.13.7 crore
LogisticsRs.8.2 croreRs.10.7 crore
OthersRs.24.5 croreRs.20.2 crore
Total ExpensesRs.145 croreRs.190 crore
OZiva Expenses

The advertising and promotion costs were massively cut down by 61.7%.  This was the significant cost-cutting that reduced the money spent on expenditures in FY23.

OZiva Financials

Let’s look at the overall financials of the company-

OZiva Financials (FY23)Amount
Market ValuationRs.683 crore ($83.3 million)
Revenue EarnedRs.99.32 crore
ExpensesRs.145 crore
Profit/LossLoss of 45.68%
OZiva Financials

The tight control of promotional expenses helped the company to reduce its losses by 31%. Simultaneously, this could also be the reason for low revenue. Reason? For D2C brands marketing and advertising play a direct role in boosting sales and earning revenue.

Although, the expenses were reduced by cutting down the marketing and promotional expenses. But gradually, its overall revenue decreased too!

Thus, you can say that OZiva spent RS.1.46 to earn a single rupee in FY23.

Significance of Marketing in D2C Brands

Marketing plays a crucial role in Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands. The same goes for OZiva. Some of the major reasons are-

  1. Creating Brand Awareness: Marketing helps D2C brands establish and increase their visibility, making potential customers aware of their products and services.
  2. Customer Acquisition: Effective marketing strategies attract new customers to the D2C brand’s website or platform, leading to increased sales and growth.
  3. Relationship Building: Marketing fosters direct communication with customers, allowing D2C brands to build strong relationships and brand loyalty.
  4. Feedback and Improvements: Marketing campaigns generate feedback, providing valuable insights for product improvement and refining marketing strategies.

Thus, marketing empowers D2C brands to thrive in the digital landscape. Mainly by connecting directly with their audience, driving sales, and fostering brand loyalty.


OZiva is a provider of nutritional food and health supplements. Its portfolio includes meal replacement shakes, herbal whey protein powders, herbal mass gainers, fat burners, etc. Its funds are currently deployed in five key areas that will drive growth. The key areas include-

  • Scaling up the team
  • Improving R&D for category expansion
  • Building brand value
  • Expanding the offline presence through brick & mortar stores
  • Scaling up the technology

All these efforts will provide more value-added services. Thus, it is looking beyond the nutrition portfolio.

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Published By: Supti Nandi
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