How To Make Money Online For Students In India

How to make money online for students in India?

Recently, we got many requests from our readers to cover the topic- How to make money online for students in India? So here we arrived to explain the same!

So, the student out there! Ever wondered how you could earn some extra money online?

Well, you’re in for a treat! In this write-up, we will discuss some of the most effective ways of making money online!

How to make money online for students in India?

Do you know what’s a special feature that we have taken care of while preparing this guide for you? 

All the money-making strategies mentioned here are very realistic and easy to start for a generic student.

So, keep reading!

How to make money online for students in India?

You can go any of the following ways mentioned below to make money online-

1. Selling Art

Voila! Now you can make money by selling your own art online! To do this, you’ll need to use your creativity and art skills. You can show your art on social media like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Or, you can use websites like Society6, Redbubble, or Etsy to sell prints of your art. 

If you want to have your own space, you can make a personal website to display your art and sell it directly to people who love it.

Let me tell you how you can do it-

  • Social Media: Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to showcase your art. Post high-quality images and engage with your audience.
  • Third-Party Websites: Sign up on websites like Society6, Redbubble, or Etsy to sell your art prints, posters, or custom designs.
  • Your Own Website: Create a personal website to display your portfolio and sell your art directly to interested buyers.
Online Money-Making StrategySelling Art
Description of the work (job)Selling your own artwork, paintings, or designs online.
Required SkillsCreativity, artistic ability, photography skills, and post-production editing.
OpportunitiesLeverage social media, third-party websites (Society6, Redbubble, Etsy), and your own website to showcase, engage, and sell your art with high-quality images and personalized designs.
Potential EarningVary widely based on the quality of your art, marketing efforts, and demand. You can earn anywhere from a few hundred rupees to several lakhs per artwork.
How can you make money by selling arts?

How much you earn depends on how good your art is, how well you tell people about it, and if there are people who want to buy it. It can be a little money or a lot – from a few hundred rupees to a few lakhs for each piece of art. 

So, be ready to use your creativity not just for fun but also to earn some money online by sharing your amazing art with others!

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a way to make money online by telling people about products or services. It’s like being a friendly guide for things you love! All you need are problem-solving and decision-making skills – knowing what people might like. If you’re tech-savvy, that’s even better!

Online Money-Making StrategyAffiliate Marketing
Description of the work (job)Promoting products or services of different brands within your network using affiliate links.
Required SkillsProblem-solving, decision-making, and technical knowledge (a plus).
OpportunitiesJoin affiliate programs (e.g., Amazon Associates, Flipkart Affiliate) and earn a commission for every sale made through your referral link.
Potential Earning₹2.4 lakhs per annum.
Tips to make money through Affiliate Marketing

Here’s how it works- you join affiliate programs, like Amazon Associates or Flipkart Affiliate. They give you special links. When your friends or followers click on these links and buy something, you get a reward – it could be money! You earn around ₹2.4 lakhs a year if lots of people buy things through your links.

So, it’s like sharing your favorite stuff with others and getting a little bonus for every sale. It’s an effective way to make some money online, especially if you enjoy recommending things to your friends!

3. Graphic Designing

Graphic Designing

Graphic designing is like being a digital artist who creates cool visuals for websites, social media, and marketing. You can assume it is a kind of digital painter. All you need are creative juices flowing, knowledge of design software, and an eye for details like colors and fonts.

Online Money-Making StrategyGraphic Designing
Description of the work (job)Creating visual content for websites, social media, and marketing.
Required SkillsCreativity, knowledge of design software, typography, color theory, and attention to detail.
OpportunitiesFreelance graphic design work for clients.
Create and sell custom designs on platforms like Canva, Shutterstock, or your own website.
Offer logo design, social media graphics, or branding services.
Potential Earning₹6.5 lakhs per annum.
How can you earn online through Graphic Designing?

Now, let me tell you the exciting part of graphic designing. You can work freelance, creating designs for different clients. Also, platforms like Canva or Shutterstock let you sell your unique designs. Imagine making money by doing what you love!

Offering services like designing logos, social media graphics, or helping with branding can boost your income too. On average, you can earn around ₹6.5 lakhs a year doing graphic design. So, if you have an artistic touch and enjoy making things look great, graphic designing is not just fun but also a fantastic way to make money online!

4. Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is like being the online voice for businesses or individuals. If you enjoy chatting, and writing and have a flair for creativity, this could be your thing! You also need to be tech-savvy and understand a bit about analytics – it’s like understanding what works best online.

Online Money-Making StrategySocial Media Marketing
Description of the work (job)Managing social media accounts for businesses or individuals.
Required SkillsCommunication, marketing, writing, analytics, creativity, and tech-savviness.
OpportunitiesOffer social media management services.
Create and schedule content, engage with followers, and run ad campaigns.
Income₹4 lakhs per annum.
How to earn money through Social Media?

Your job involves managing social media accounts, posting interesting stuff, and running ad campaigns. You can offer your services to businesses that want a strong online presence.

The income is not too shabby either – around ₹4 lakhs a year. So, if you like hanging out on social media, why not turn it into a cool way to make some money? Social Media Marketing is not just about sharing posts; it’s about making a real impact online!

5. Content Writing

Content Writing

Content writing is like being a wordsmith who crafts engaging blog posts, articles, or website content. All you need are strong writing skills, the ability to research, and a keen eye for detail.

Online Money-Making StrategyContent Writing
Description of the work (job)Writing blog posts, articles, or website content.
Required SkillsStrong writing skills, research abilities, and attention to detail.
OpportunitiesFreelance on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr.
Create your own blog and monetize it through ads or sponsored content.
Potential Earning₹6.5 lakhs per annum
How to earn money online through Content Writing?

Here’s the exciting part- you can work as a freelancer on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. People are willing to pay for well-written content, and you get to choose the projects you like. Want more control? Create your own blog and make money through ads or sponsored content.

The potential earnings are quite decent – around ₹4.8 to ₹6.5 lakhs a year. Imagine making a living by putting your thoughts into words! If you love playing with words and expressing ideas, content writing is not just a job; it’s a fantastic way to turn your passion into a reliable online income.

6. Incent Apps

Incent apps

Incent apps make earning money online a breeze, and all you need is a smartphone and a bit of patience. It’s like getting rewarded for doing simple tasks, downloading apps, registering in different downloaded apps, taking surveys, or even watching ads on your mobile.

Online Money-Making StrategyIncent Apps
Description of the work (job)Using mobile apps that offer rewards or cash for completing tasks, surveys, or watching ads.
Required SkillsBasic smartphone usage and patience.
OpportunitiesDownload and use apps like Bonus Buddy, Swagbucks, CashKaro, or Google Opinion Rewards.
IncomeVaries based on the app and tasks completed. Usually small amounts per task or survey. 
How to earn money through Incent Apps?

Here’s how it works- you download apps like Bonus Buddy, Swagbucks, CashKaro, or Google Opinion Rewards. These apps give you small amounts of money or rewards every time you complete a task or survey. It might not be a lot at once, but it adds up over time.

So, if you have a bit of spare time and want to make some pocket money without a lot of effort, incentive apps are the way to go. It’s a straightforward and easy way to dip your toes into the world of online earnings, one small task at a time!

7. Blogging

Blogging is like having your own space on the internet where you share things you love. All you need are skills like researching, knowing a bit about SEO (making your blog easy to find on the internet), being creative, good at editing, and managing your time well.

Online Money-Making StrategyBlogging
Description of the work (job)Creating and maintaining a blog on topics of interest.
Required SkillsResearch, SEO knowledge, creativity, editing, and time management.
OpportunitiesMonetize your blog through ads, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing.
Income₹4.85 lakhs per annum.
How to make money online by Blogging?

Here’s the climax- you can make money from your blog! You can have ads on your blog, get paid for writing about products or services (sponsored content), or even earn a commission by recommending things through affiliate marketing.

On average, you can make around ₹4.85 lakhs a year from your blog. It’s not just a platform to express yourself; it’s a way to turn your passion into a steady online income. So, if you enjoy sharing your thoughts and interests, blogging might just be the perfect online money-making adventure for you!

8. Start a YouTube Channel

Starting a YouTube channel is like being a content creator in the world of videos. All you need is a spark of creativity, good communication skills, and a bit of knowledge about making and editing videos.

Online Money-Making StrategyStart a YouTube Channel
Description of the work (job)Creating video content on a specific niche or topic.
Required SkillsCreativity, communication, video production, editing, and marketing.
OpportunitiesMonetize your channel through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.
IncomeNo limit. Can vary significantly based on views, subscribers, and monetization methods.
How to make money through YouTube?

You probably know that you can make money from your YouTube channel! Once you get enough views and subscribers, you can earn money through ads that play in your videos. You can also get paid by companies to talk about their products in your videos (sponsorships). Want to sell your own branded stuff? That’s an option too!

The best part is there’s no limit to how much you can earn. It depends on how many people watch your videos, subscribe to your channel, and the ways you choose to make money. It can vary a lot, but if you love making videos and sharing your passion, starting a YouTube channel could be your ticket to a limitless online income!

9. Online Tuition

Online tuition_

Teaching online is like sharing what you’re good at with students on their screens, all from the comfort of your home. All you need is a deep understanding of the subjects you teach and the ability to communicate effectively.

Online Money-Making StrategyOnline Tuition
Description of the work (job)Teaching subjects you excel in, to other students.
Required SkillsThorough knowledge of the subject and effective communication.
OpportunitiesOffer online tutoring services through platforms like Vedantu, Chegg, or your own website.
Potential Earning₹6 lakhs per annum.
How to make money online for students through tuition?

Here’s where the opportunity blooms- you can offer your tutoring services online through platforms like Vedantu, and Chegg, or even set up your own website. You get to choose the subjects you teach and the hours you work.

The potential earnings can be quite rewarding, averaging around ₹6 lakhs per year. It’s not just about the money; it’s about sharing knowledge and helping others succeed academically. 

So, if you’re passionate about teaching and have a knack for explaining things, online tuition could be your gateway to making a meaningful impact while earning a substantial online income!

10. Freelancing

Freelancing is like being your own boss, offering your skills (whether it’s writing, designing, programming, etc.) to clients on a project basis. Your required skills depend on the type of freelancing work you choose.

Online Money-Making StrategyFreelancing
Description of the work (job)Offering your skills (writing, designing, programming, etc.) on a project basis.
Required SkillsVaries based on the type of freelancing work.
OpportunitiesPlatforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Toptal connect freelancers with clients.
IncomeVaries based on the type of freelancing work and clients.
How can you earn money through freelancing?

The exciting part? There are platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Toptal that connect freelancers with clients looking for their specific skills. You get to decide which projects you take on and when you work.

As for income, it varies widely depending on the type of freelancing work you do and the clients you work with. Whether it’s writing articles, designing graphics, or coding software, freelancing allows you to turn your skills into a flexible and potentially lucrative online income stream. 

It’s a great way to explore your passions, build a diverse portfolio, and make money on your terms!


Photography offers a gateway to making money online by selling your captivating images on stock photo websites or providing photography services. All you need are photography skills, a dash of creativity, and the ability to enhance your photos through post-production editing.

Online Money-Making StrategyPhotography
Description of the work (job)Selling your photos on stock photo websites or offering photography services.
Required SkillsPhotography skills, creativity, and post-production editing.
OpportunitiesSign up on platforms like Shutterstock, and Getty Images, or offer event photography.
IncomeVaries based on assignments, clients, and quality of work.
How can you make money online for students through photography?

The opportunities are vast: you can sign up on platforms like Shutterstock, and Getty Images, or offer your services for events and special occasions. Whether it’s selling your scenic landscapes or capturing memorable moments, the potential income varies based on assignments, clients, and the quality of your work.

It’s not just about snapping pictures; it’s about turning your passion for photography into a rewarding online venture. With dedication and a keen eye, you can transform your snapshots into a source of income while sharing your unique perspective with the world!

Final Words

So, there you have it – a bunch of ways for students in India to make some extra cash online. Whether you’re into art, writing, teaching, or just snapping awesome photos, the internet’s got something for everyone. 

You can sell your stuff, offer your skills, or even just share your thoughts and make money. It’s like turning your hobbies into a little side hustle. So, explore, try things out, and who knows, you might not just be scrolling online but making some money while you’re at it! 

Best of luck with your online ventures!

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Published By: Supti Nandi
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Parul Jain
Parul Jain
3 months ago

Not only this there are some other ways too like, selling accessories online, handmade art online, etc.