Stable Money Business Model: How Does Stable Money Work?

Stable Money Business Model

Suppose you’re looking to invest your hard-earned money but you see that there are numerous options available. Feels quite overwhelming. Right? This is where Stable Money steps in, making the process of investing in fixed-income assets, particularly fixed deposits (FDs), much simpler and more efficient. So, let’s break down the Stable Money business model to understand how it works and makes money.

Stable Money Business Model

Stay tuned!

(A) Profile Overview

Stable Money is a platform that helps individuals invest in fixed-income assets. It offers a variety of products, such as debt mutual funds, government bonds, and sovereign gold bonds, providing clients with stable returns. The platform allows users to compare different fixed-income assets and find the best options. 

It also includes an earnings tracker and personalized recommendations for investors, along with a ChatGPT-powered expert bot for advice. The app is available on both Android and iOS devices.

Before diving deeper into the Stable Money Business Model, let’s quickly go through its profile-

ParticularsStable Money 
Type of CompanyB2B Space in Fintech Market
IndustryFixed-income asset investment platform
Key PeopleSaurabh Jain (Co-founder); 
Harish Reddy (Co-founder)
HeadquartersBengaluru (Karnataka, India)
Number of Locations0 (Online Marketplace)
Company StageSeries B
Unicorn RatingMinicorn
Total Funding$25.3 million
Funding Rounds5
Latest RoundSeries B, $15 million (July 21, 2024)
Area ServedIndia
Market B
CompetitorsGrip, Wint Wealth, Jiraaf
Stable Money: Profile Overview

Note: We have explained the business model of the following fintech platforms-

(B) Working Strategy: How does Stable Money work?

Stable Money working Strategy

Here are the prime working strategies of Stable Money-

Comparing FD Interest Rates

First, Stable Money compares FD interest rates from over 200 banks. This feature is a game-changer because it allows you to find the best rates available in the market. Why settle for less when you can maximize your returns? 

By using Stable Money, you can easily see which banks are offering the most competitive FD offers. This way, you’re always getting the best deal for your investment.

Managing and Tracking FDs

Managing your investments can be a daunting task, but Stable Money makes it easy with its digital tools designed to help you keep track of your FDs. Here are some of the key features-

  • Break FD: Life is unpredictable, and sometimes you might need to access your funds before your FD matures. The Break FD feature allows you to do just that without losing out on your returns. It provides flexibility, ensuring that your money is accessible when you need it the most.
  • FD Laddering: This is a smart strategy to balance your portfolio. FD Laddering involves spreading your investment across multiple FDs with different maturity dates. This approach helps you maintain liquidity while still earning returns, ensuring that some part of your investment is always maturing and accessible.
  • Switch FD: The market is always changing, and sometimes better opportunities come along. The Switch FD feature enables you to move your investment to a different FD if better rates become available. This flexibility ensures that your investment is always optimized for maximum returns.

Investing in Fixed Deposits

Stable Money also provides a seamless way to invest in FDs from various banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). The platform has partnered with reputable institutions like Utkarsh Small Finance Bank, Shivalik Small Finance Bank, and Shriram Finance Limited. This means you have a wide range of fixed-income products to choose from, all in one place.

User-Friendly Interface

One of the standout features of Stable Money is its user-friendly interface. The platform is designed to be transparent and easy to use, making it accessible even for those who might not be very tech-savvy. Since its soft launch and beta testing, over 50,000 users have registered on the platform, indicating its popularity and the trust it has built in the financial ecosystem.

Commitment to Financial Empowerment

Stable Money isn’t just about making investing easy; it’s also about empowering you financially. The company is on a mission to democratize fixed-return investments, making them accessible to everyone. 

To reach a wider audience, Stable Money plans to embark on an India tour, spanning over 15 cities. This initiative aims to educate and empower more people, providing them with a stable and resilient financial safety net.

The platform’s commitment to financial empowerment and its user-friendly approach ensure that you can confidently navigate the investment landscape and secure your financial future.

So yes, Investing doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful. With Stable Money, you have all the tools you need to make informed decisions and maximize your returns, ensuring that your financial journey is smooth and rewarding.

(C) Revenue Sources: How Stable Money Makes Money?

Revenue Sources of Stable Money

These are some of the prime revenue sources of Stable Money-

Commission from Partner Banks and NBFCs

First and foremost, Stable Money partners with a variety of banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). These partners offer their fixed deposit (FD) products on the platform. Whenever you invest in an FD through Stable Money, the platform earns a commission from the partner institution. This commission can be either a percentage of the total investment or a flat fee. 

Essentially, the more users invest through Stable Money, the more commissions the platform earns, creating a reliable income stream.

Subscription Fees for Premium Services

While Stable Money likely offers basic features for free, it can introduce a subscription model for advanced features or premium services. Imagine having access to enhanced portfolio management tools, personalized financial advice, or exclusive higher-yield investment opportunities. 

For these additional services, users would pay a subscription fee. This allows Stable Money to generate revenue by providing extra value to those who need or want more sophisticated tools and insights for managing their investments.

Advertising and Promotions

As the user base of Stable Money grows, the platform becomes an attractive place for banks and financial institutions to advertise. These institutions might pay for promotional placements or featured listings on the platform to reach a targeted audience of potential investors. 

This advertising revenue adds another layer of income for Stable Money, supplementing the commissions earned from investments.

Data Analytics Services

With more users comes more data. Stable Money can analyze user behavior and investment trends to offer valuable insights and analytics services to financial institutions. Banks and NBFCs can use this data to better understand market demand and tailor their products accordingly. 

By providing these analytics services, Stable Money creates another revenue stream, leveraging the power of big data to help financial institutions make informed decisions.

Cross Selling Financial Products

Stable Money isn’t limited to just fixed deposits. As the platform grows, it can expand its offerings to include other investment products like debt mutual funds, bonds, and even equities. When users invest in these new products, Stable Money can earn additional commissions or fees. 

This cross-selling strategy not only diversifies the platform’s revenue but also provides users with a broader range of investment options.

Investor Education & Workshops

Stable Money is committed to financial empowerment, and part of this mission involves conducting workshops and educational tours across India. These events can generate revenue through ticket sales or sponsorships from financial institutions. 

These institutions may sponsor events to promote their products and services to an engaged and interested audience. This educational aspect not only brings in revenue but also strengthens the platform’s reputation as a leader in financial literacy.

Thus, Stable Money’s revenue model is as diversified as it is robust. Hence it plays a main role in maintaining its sustainability.

(D) Marketing Strategies of Stable Money

Stable Money Marketing Strategies

So, you’ve just discovered a new platform called Stable Money that makes investing in fixed-income assets, like fixed deposits (FDs), incredibly easy. You might be curious about how they manage to stand out and attract users like you. All thanks to its marketing strategies that involve the following-

Partnerships with Banks and NBFCs

Stable Money teams up with various banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), like Utkarsh Small Finance Bank and Shriram Finance Limited. These partnerships expand its reach and credibility by leveraging the customer base and reputation of these institutions. When you see trusted names associated with the platform, you’re more likely to feel confident about investing.

Innovative Features

Stable Money stands out with features like Break FD, FD Laddering, and Switch FD. Break FD allows you to access your funds before maturity without losing returns, FD Laddering helps maintain liquidity while earning returns, and Switch FD lets you adjust investments based on market changes. These user-friendly features attract tech-savvy investors seeking modern solutions.

Investor Education and Awareness Campaigns

Committed to investor education, Stable Money plans to tour 15 cities across India, conducting workshops and conferences about fixed-income benefits. By educating potential investors, it positions itself as a trusted source of information, building a knowledgeable community more likely to use and recommend the platform.

Digital Marketing & Social Media Presence

Stable Money leverages digital marketing to reach its audience, maintaining an active presence on social media platforms like LinkedIn. It shares educational content, success stories, and platform updates, while targeted digital advertising campaigns attract potential investors. Engaging online helps build a community and keeps the audience informed.

Referral and Loyalty Programs

The platform can implement referral and loyalty programs to incentivize users to promote it. Users might receive rewards for referrals or earn loyalty points for consistent investment activity, fostering a sense of community and encouraging word-of-mouth marketing.

Competitive Pricing & Transparency

Stable Money compares FD interest rates from over 200 banks to offer the best rates. This transparent and cost-effective approach appeals to price-conscious investors seeking maximum returns. Combined with its user-friendly interface and innovative features, Stable Money becomes an attractive option for fixed-income investments.

Thus, Stable Money’s marketing strategies build trust and attract users.

(E) Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, Stable Money offers a smart, user-friendly way to invest in fixed-income assets. With features like comparing FD rates, personalized recommendations, and expert advice, it makes investing easier and more profitable. 

By partnering with trusted banks and financial institutions, Stable Money ensures you get the best returns on your investments. 

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Published By: Supti Nandi
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