India vs China For Tesla: Which One Can Be More Beneficial?

India vs China for Tesla

Last week Elon Musk canceled the meeting with our honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi to meet Chinese Premier Li Quan. Folks couldn’t stop wondering why. The reason cited by him was- “very heavy obligations for Tesla.” Here comes a million-dollar question- India vs China- Which is more beneficial for Tesla? Let’s break down the whole … Read more

Is Nokia Making A Comeback? Everything One Should Know

Is Nokia making a comeback

The news of Nokia making a comeback has stirred the tech community. This speculation rose when folks spotted 17 new Nokia models on the IMEI website (International Mobile Equipment Identity). Seeing this, multiple questions can arise in your mind- Will Nokia resurrect again to gain its lost historical dominance? Is Nokia’s tech innovation capable enough … Read more

The Nestle Controversy: Why Is Nestle Again In Trouble In India?

Nestle controversy

Last month we discussed a long list of Nestle company crimes and received great appreciation from our readers. And here we are presenting another latest Nestle controversy in India. What’s that, you ask? Look at the headline revolving around the media- “Nestle adds sugar to baby cereal sold in India but not in Europe & … Read more

Is Niyo Global Card Safe? Benefits & Detailed Review

Is Niyo global card Safe

Traveling abroad and the hassle of changing currencies always go hand in hand. And the heavy markup fee on Forex cards adds salt to the wound… Thanks to Niyo Global Card which offers zero forex markup charges without any TCS (tax collected at source). This leads to an obvious question- Is Niyo Global Card safe? … Read more

JP Morgan vs Morgan Stanley: Key Differences & Which One Is Bigger?

JP Morgan vs Morgan Stanley

Recently, JP Morgan vs Morgan Stanley has become one of the most searched topics. Reason? People get confused about numerous aspects like- whether these two are related to each other or belong to the same entity due to the common term “Morgan.” Let me tell you that despite having the same name and belonging to … Read more

Zara Marketing Strategy: How Zara Went Viral In Fast Fashion

Zara Marketing Strategy

Zara’s rapid rise to become a prominent name among the largest fast fashion giants in the industry is not only a result of its exclusive designs but also of the carefully executed marketing strategy, which has helped them to differentiate itself from other brands in the market.  In this article we’ll discuss how Zara marketing … Read more